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Head Lice

Head Lice are wingless insects that spend their entire lives on the human scalp and feed exclusively on blood. An adult louse is about the size of a sesame seed. The eggs, called nits, are even smaller and are roughly the size of a knot in a thread. Lice and nits are easiest to detect at the neckline and behind the ears. Head lice are extremely contagious. Close contact and sharing personal belongings, such as clothing, hats, or hairbrushes, puts people at risk. Anyone can get head lice but families with children ages 3-11 are more likely to become infected. Personal hygiene has nothing to do with getting head lice. Head lice do not spread disease. Some symptoms of head lice include a tickling feeling in the hair, frequent itching, and sores from scratching. Head lice are most active at night so those affected may experience irritability and difficulty sleeping.

Treatment for head lice is recommended for people with an active infestation.  All family members and close contacts should be checked and treated if necessary.  Those with lice and their bedmates should be treated at the same time.

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